Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence.

Please come to the party.


Let the party be come.

Please let the party be come.

You are requested to come to the party.

You are being requested to come to the party.

Correct Answer:

You are requested to come to the party.


The correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence is:

You are requested to come to the party.

So, the correct passive form is: "You are requested to come to the party."

The other options and their explanations:

☀ Let the party be come.

  • This option is not grammatically correct. The phrase "be come" is not a valid construction in English.

☀ Please let the party be come.

  • This option is also not grammatically correct. The phrase "be come" is still not a valid construction in English, and the active construction "Please let" does not represent the intended passive voice.

☀ You are being requested to come to the party.

  • This option uses the continuous form "are being requested," which is not necessary to convey the meaning of the original sentence. The simple past participle "requested" is sufficient to form the passive voice correctly. The correct passive form is: "You are requested to come to the party."