Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change


Family can be categorised on the basis of:
A. Residence
B. Descent
C. Inheritance
D. Authority


Only A B and C is correct

Only B C and D are correct

Only A B and D are correct

A, B, C, and D are correct

Correct Answer:

A, B, C, and D are correct


The answer is Option 4 : A, B, C, and D are correct.

Diverse family forms are found in different societies.

Residence (A): With regard to the rule of residence, some societies are matrilocal in their marriage and family customs while others are patrilocal. In the first case, the newly married couple stays with the woman’s parents, whereas in the second case the couple lives with the man’s parents.

Descent (B): Descent refers to the lineage or ancestry of individuals within a family. Families can be categorized based on descent, such as patrilineal (tracing ancestry through the father), matrilineal (tracing ancestry through the mother).

Inheritance (C): Inheritance refers to the passing down of property, assets, or titles from one generation to another within a family. With regard to the rules of inheritance, matrilineal societies pass on property from mother to daughter while patrilineal societies do so from father to son.

Authority (D): Authority structures may exist within families, such as patriarchal or matriarchal systems. A patriarchal family structure exists where the men exercise authority and dominance, and matriarchy where the women play a similarly dominant role. However, matriarchy – unlike patriarchy – has been a theoretical rather than an empirical concept. There is no historical or anthropological evidence of matriarchy – i.e., societies where women exercise dominance.