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Target Exam



Political Science




“Let me tell my honourable Friends in the House that the drift… in all constitutions has been towards the centre... because of circumstances that have now come into being that the States have become, ...federal or unitary, welfare states from being Police States and the ultimate responsibility as for the economic well-being of the country has become the paramount responsibility of the centre.”

Who is the speaker of the mentioned line?


T.T. Krishnamachari

Somnath Lahiri

Surendranath Banerjee

B.N. Rau

Correct Answer:

T.T. Krishnamachari


The correct answer is Option 1 - T.T. Krishnamachari

“Let me tell my honourable Friends in the House that the drift… in all constitutions has been towards the centre... because of circumstances that have now come into being that the States have become, ...federal or unitary, welfare states from being Police States and the ultimate responsibility as for the economic well-being of the country has become the paramount responsibility of the centre.”

- T.T. Krishnamachari, CAD, Vol. XI, p. 955-956, 25 November 1949