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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: International Trade


Arrange the below mentioned technology phases with population growth periods in correct order from birth of Christ to Present.

A. Biotechnology
B. Age of European exploration and colonization
C. Information and computers
D. Transportation development

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


B, D, A, C

B, D, C, A

B, C, D, A

B, A, D, C

Correct Answer:

B, D, A, C


The correct answer is Option (1) → B, D, A, C

Age of European exploration and colonization: This period began around the late 15th century and continued for several centuries. It involved significant exploration, colonization, and the Columbian Exchange, which had impacts on global demographics.

Transportation development: This phase primarily took place during the 19th and 20th centuries, with the advent of railways, steamships, and automobiles. Improved transportation contributed to population mobility and distribution.

Biotechnology: Biotechnological advancements began in the mid-20th century and continue to the present day. These developments have had profound impacts on agriculture, medicine, and other fields, potentially influencing population growth.

Information and computers: The information age, marked by the widespread use of computers and the internet, began in the mid-20th century and continues into the 21st century. This era has brought about significant changes in communication and information sharing.