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Legal Studies



What is the meaning of the writ of "certiorari"?
to order to a public authority to do its duty
to prevent a subordinate court from continuing on a case
to issue directive to a person to vacate an office wrongfully occupie
to remove a case from a subordinate court and get the proceedings before it.
Correct Answer:
to remove a case from a subordinate court and get the proceedings before it.
Article 32 offers the Supreme Court the power to enforce fundamental rights, and provides one the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of those rights. From this article, the Supreme Court derives authority to issue directions or order or writs in the nature of: 1) habeas corpus, i.e., to order the release of person is unlawfully detained; 2) mandamus, i.e., to order to a public authority to do its duty; 3) prohibition, i.e., to prevent a subordinate court from continuing on a case; 4) quo warranto, i.e., to issue directive to a person to vacate an office wrongfully occupied; and 5) certiorari, i.e., to remove a case from a subordinate court and get the proceedings before it.