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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary Centres of power


Read the passage and answer the question:

ASEAN was established in 1967 by 5 countries of this region: Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillippines, Singapore, and Thailand, by signing The Bangkok Declaration. The objectives of ASEAN were primarily to accelerate economic growth, and through that social progress and cultural development, the secondary objective was to promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of Law and principles of the United Nations Charter. Over the years, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Cambodia Joined ASEAN taking its strength to 10.

ASEAN had several agreements in place by which member states promised to uphold Peace, Neutrality, Cooperation, Non-Interference and respect for National differences and Sovereign Rights. ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) which was established in 1994. ASEAN has focused on creating a Free Trade Area (FTA) for investment, labour, and services.

In which year ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was established?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (2) - 1994

As per the passage- ASEAN had several agreements in place by which member states promised to uphold Peace, Neutrality, Cooperation, Non-Interference and respect for National differences and Sovereign Rights. ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) which was established in 1994. ASEAN has focused on creating a Free Trade Area (FTA) for investment, labour, and services.