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Social Change and Development in India: Social Movements

What social process emerged from Europe is responsible for the birth of sociology and the study of social movements?
Industrialization and social changes followed it.
Fascism and social movements emerged from the fascist movement.
Nationalism and the fight for nations by capitalist forces in Europe.
Balkanization and the shattering of nations in Central Asia.
Correct Answer:
Industrialization and social changes followed it.
From the very beginning, the discipline of sociology has been interested in social movements. The French Revolution was the violent culmination of several movements aimed at overthrowing the monarchy and establishing ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. In Britain, the industrial revolution was marked by great social upheaval. Poor labourers and artisans who had left the countryside to find work in the cities protested against the inhuman living conditions into which they were forced. Food riots in England were often suppressed by the government. These protests were perceived by elites as a major threat to the established order of society. Their anxiety about maintaining social order was reflected in the work of sociologist Emile Durkheim.