Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following passage and answer question.

Mr. Thaapar is the General Manager of a company named XYZ Ltd. for 12 years. He manages 150 employees with his effective leadership, motivation and communication. He encourages his sub-ordinates in decision-making and respects everyone's ideas and opinions. Once, while passing by the production department, Mr. Thaapar overheard Mr. Rohan, foreman of production department, was discussing about his financial condition on phone with his friend. Mr. Thaapa• decided to give him the necessary help in near future in the upcoming appraisal in the form of increased incentive bonus. He also observed that Ms. Heena, Sr. Executive, is very much excited whenever she is given challenging work. Mr. Thaapar decided to reward her in the best possible way and hence he sent her an email stating about her promotion to a higher level. Which gave her more autonomy and power.

How did Mr. Thapar came to know about the financial issues being faced by Mr. Rohan ?


Formal Communication

Informal Communication


Face to Face Communication

Correct Answer:

Informal Communication


The correct answer is option (2) : Informal Communication

A. Formal organisation - A formal organization is a deliberately created structure of roles, responsibilities, and relationships within a business or institution. It is typically characterized by a defined hierarchy, clear lines of authority, and specific communication channels.

B. Informal organisation - An informal organization, in contrast, refers to the network of personal and social relationships that develop spontaneously among employees within a formal organization. It is characterized by social interactions, shared interests, and common goals that are not governed by the formal structure of the organization.

C. Email - Email, short for "electronic mail," is a widely used method of exchanging digital messages between individuals or groups over the internet or other computer networks. It allows for almost instantaneous communication, making it an essential tool for personal and professional correspondence.

D. Face-to-face communication - It refers to the direct, in-person interaction between two or more individuals, where participants can see and hear each other in real time. This form of communication is a fundamental and essential method of human interaction and plays a crucial role in various aspects of personal, social, and professional life.