Read the given case-study carefully and answer the question that follow. According to Lazarus and his colleagues, people have a tendency to appraise any situation as positive, negative or neutral. When Vikram lost his job as event manager, he perceived the situation as negative but he didn't lose heart and decided to start a food joint as he was handling similar projects in the past. Whereas Vikas who also lost his job as a marketing manager, started feeling helpless and hopeless and consumed alcohol regularly. He started coming up with excuses for not doing anything. He could not even think of starting his own venture as he had no money to invest. He would often become very angry or would start crying bitterly. |
According to cognitive theory of stress, primary appraisal refers to the perception of new environment as : |
Positive, Negative, Neutral Harm, threat and challenge Intensity, duration and predictability Past experience and controllability |
Positive, Negative, Neutral |
Lazarus has distinguished between two types of appraisal, i.e. primary and secondary. Primary appraisal refers to the perception of a new or changing environment as positive, neutral or negative in its consequences. |