Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter


A particle moves in a closed orbit around the origin, due to a force which is directed towards the origin. The de-Broglie wavelength of particle varies cyclically between two values $(λ_1), (λ_2)$ with $(λ_1 > λ_2)$ then, the correct statement from the following are:


The particle could be moving in a circular orbit with origin as centre

The particle could be moving in an elliptical orbit with origin as its focus.

When the de-Broglie wave length is $λ_1$, the particle is nearer to origin then when its value is $λ_2$.

When the de Broglie wavelength is $λ_2$, the particle is nearer to the origin than when its value is $λ_1$.

Correct Answer:

The particle could be moving in an elliptical orbit with origin as its focus.


The correct answer is option (2) : The particle could be moving in an elliptical orbit with origin as its focus.

de-Broglie wavelength of a moving particle $\lambda =\frac{h}{mv} \,\,\, \lambda_1> \lambda_2$ it means $v_1 > v_2$ velocity of the particle will be greater at nearer point on a elliptical orbit.