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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


Which of the following statements is correct in reference to the Cold War?

a- In the Congo crisis, Jawaharlal Nehru — one of the key leaders of the NAM played a key mediatory role. 

b- The then UN Secretary-General' played a crucial role in mediating between the two Koreas.


Only Statement a is correct.

Only Statement b is correct.

Both Statements are correct.

Both Statements are incorrect.

Correct Answer:

Both Statements are incorrect.


Sometimes, countries outside the two blocs, for example, the non-aligned countries, played a role in reducing Cold War conflicts and averting some grave crises. Jawaharlal Nehru — one of the key leaders of the NAM — played a crucial role in mediating between the two Koreas. In the Congo crisis, the UN Secretary-General played a key mediatory role. By and large, it was the realisation on a superpower’s part that war, by all means, should be avoided that made them exercise restraint and behave more responsibly in international affairs. As the Cold War rolled from one arena to another, the logic of restraint was increasingly evident.