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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Social Movements


Arrange statements given below in the correct sequence in regard to the features of AITUC.

A. The split in the AITUC paved the way for their splits on the line of political parties.
B. AITUC was formed in Bombay in 1920 and its formation made colonial government more cautious in dealing with labour.
C. AITUC had nearly 200 unions affiliated to it and its membership stood at around 2,50,000.
D. In 1926 the Trade Union Act provided for agitation of Trade Union and proposed some regulations.
E. As per the fourth factories Act, the working day reduced to 10 hours.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C, B, D, E, A

B, E, D, C, A

B, C, D, A, E

A, B, C, D, E

Correct Answer:

B, E, D, C, A