Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


After traveling a certain distance a Car met with an accident and its speed becomes 5/6th of its actual speed and reached 32 min late. If this accident had happened after traveling a distance of 36 km more it would have reached 8 minutes earlier than before. Find the distance at which the accident happened if the total distance traveled is 194 km .


40 km

50 km

60 km

70 km

Correct Answer:

50 km


if car runs 36 km more than car reaches 8 min earlier . 

i.e.     8 min save         --------    when car runs 36 km more

         32 min will save   ----------  if car run  36 × 4  = 144 km .

to save 32 min , thia car have to run 144 km 

so accident occurs at = 194 - 144 = 50 km