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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Open Economy Macro Economics


From the following transactions which transaction will be recorded in the current account of the balance of payments :


Indian buys French car company

Indian buys French made car from France

Sale of shares of Indian company to French customers

Purchase of shares of French company by Indian customers

Correct Answer:

Indian buys French made car from France


The correct answer is option (2) : Indian buys French made car from France

The current account records the flow of goods and services between countries. Buying a French-made car from France is an import of goods, which is a component of the current account.

Indian buys French car company : This transaction involves the acquisition of a company, which falls under the capital account, not the current account.

Indian buys French-made car from France : This is a transaction involving the purchase of a good ( a car) from another country, and it is recorded in the current account.

Sale of shares of an Indian company to French customers : This involves the sale of financial assets (shares) and is recorded in the capital or financial account, not the current account.

Purchase of shares of a French company by Indian customers : Similar to the third transaction, this involves the acquisition of financial assets and is recorded in the capital or financial account.