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Target Exam





Physical: Surface Chemistry


Which of the following statement about emulsions is true?


Oily drugs cannot be prepared in the form of emulsions

Digestion does not involve the process of emulsification

Disinfectants like Dettol and Lysol give emulsions of water-in-oil type on mixing with water

The cleansing action of soap is based upon the formation of water-in-oil emusion

Correct Answer:

Digestion does not involve the process of emulsification


The correct answer is option 2. Digestion does not involve the process of emulsification.

Emulsification is indeed an important process in digestion, particularly in the digestion of fats (lipids). In the small intestine, bile salts, which are produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, are released into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) in response to the presence of fats. Bile salts act as emulsifying agents, breaking down large fat globules into smaller droplets, which increases the surface area available for lipase enzymes to act upon.

These smaller fat droplets, emulsified by bile salts, are then further broken down by lipase enzymes into fatty acids and glycerol, which can be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and used for energy or stored in adipose tissue.

Therefore, emulsification is indeed a crucial process in the digestion and absorption of fats during human digestion.