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Target Exam





One Word


Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.

The work inscribed on the tomb in the memory of the person






Correct Answer:



An epitaph is a short inscription or phrase that is carved on a tombstone or monument to honor and remember a deceased person. It typically includes the person's name, relevant dates, and a concise statement or tribute. Epitaphs can vary in length and style, but they are always intended to memorialize the individual buried at the site.

An epigraph, on the other hand, refers to a quotation or inscription that appears at the beginning of a literary work or chapter. It is often used to set the tone or provide context for the text that follows. Epigraphs can be taken from various sources such as books, poems, or speeches, and they are not necessarily related to commemorating a person's life on a tomb.

An excerpt refers to a small portion or selected passage taken from a larger piece of writing, such as a book or a speech. It is typically used to provide a representative sample or highlight a specific section of the original work.

Euphoria, on the other hand, refers to a feeling of extreme happiness, joy, or excitement. It is unrelated to the concept of inscriptions or memorial tributes.

Therefore, in the given context, the correct option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the group of words is "Epitaph," as it specifically refers to the inscribed work on a tomb in memory of a person.