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Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


In this form of therapy,  it is the therapist who interprets the thoughts and feelings of the client to her/him so that s/he gains an understanding of the same. Identify the form of therapy being discussed here?


Psychodynamic therapy

Behaviour therapy

Existential therapy

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Psychodynamic therapy


Psychodynamic therapy assumes that the therapist understands the client’s intrapsychic conflicts better than the client and hence it is the therapist who interprets the thoughts and feelings of the client to her/him so that s/he gains an understanding of the same.

In behavior therapy, the therapist is seen as capable of identifying faulty behavior and thought patterns in the client. They are responsible for finding and implementing appropriate and adaptive behavior and thought patterns for the client's benefit.

In contrast, existential therapies place less emphasis on the therapist as a problem solver. Instead, the therapist provides a warm, empathic relationship that creates a secure environment for the client to independently explore the nature and causes of their problems.