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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Security in the Contemporary World


By now you will have asked yourself: doesn’t security depend on internal peace and order? How can a society be secure if there is violence or the threat of violence inside its borders? And how can it prepare to face violence from outside its borders if it is not secure inside its borders? Traditional security must also, therefore, concern itself with internal security.

Which of the following statements is correct?

a- The Cold War between the two superpowers was responsible for approximately one-third of all wars in the post-Second World War period.
b- Some colonial people feared, after independence, that they might be attacked by their former colonial rulers in Europe. They had to prepare, therefore, to defend themselves against an imperial war.


Only statement a is correct.

Only statement b is correct.

Both statements are correct.

Neither of them is correct.

Correct Answer:

Both statements are correct.


The Cold War between the two superpowers was responsible for approximately one-third of all wars in the post-Second World War period. Most of these wars were fought in the Third World. Just as the European colonial powers feared violence in the colonies, some colonial people feared, after independence, that they might be attacked by their former colonial rulers in Europe. They had to prepare, therefore, to defend themselves against an imperial war.