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General Knowledge




How will an element with electronic configuration 2,8,4 be classified? 





None of these 

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 3. Metalloid.

The electronic configuration \(2,8,4\) corresponds to the distribution of electrons in the energy levels (or shells) of an atom. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the configuration represents:

1. 2: This number indicates the number of electrons in the first energy level (or shell) of the atom. The first energy level can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.

2. 8 This number represents the number of electrons in the second energy level (or shell) of the atom. The second energy level can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.

3. 4: This number signifies the number of electrons in the third energy level (or shell) of the atom. The third energy level can also hold a maximum of 8 electrons.

Based on this electronic configuration, the element belongs to the 4th period of the periodic table (since it has electrons in the 4th energy level). The configuration suggests that the element is in Group 14 of the periodic table because of the 4 electrons in the outermost energy level.

Now, to classify the element:

  • Elements in Group 14 of the periodic table include carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), and lead (Pb).
  • Carbon and silicon are non-metals. They typically exhibit properties such as being brittle, poor conductors of heat and electricity, and having relatively low melting and boiling points.

Germanium, tin, and lead are metals. Metals generally have properties such as being shiny, malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity and having high melting and boiling points.

Since the electronic configuration 2,8,4 belongs to Group 14, and elements in this group include both metals (germanium, tin, lead) and non-metals (carbon, silicon), we cannot definitively classify the element as a metal or a non-metal based solely on its electronic configuration.

However, it's worth noting that elements in Group 14 tend to exhibit some metallic properties (especially as you move down the group), so it's more likely that the element with the configuration 2,8,4 would be a metal rather than a non-metal. Therefore, it would be reasonable to classify it as a metal.