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Target Exam





Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Observe the given picture and answer the following questions?


Who explained the lac operon model for the first time? 


Sutton and Bovery .

Francois Jacob and  Jacque Monod.

Alec Jeffreys.

Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl .

Correct Answer:

Francois Jacob and  Jacque Monod.


The correct answer is Option (2) -Francois Jacob and   Jacque Monod.

In 1961, two French microbiologists,Francois Jacob and  Jacque Monod at the Pasteur Institute, Paris proposed a mechanism,called operon hypothesis, for the regulation of gene action as a result of their studies on the metabolism in E.coli. It got them Nobel prize in 1965. An operon acts as a gene-regulating unit.

In lac operon (here lac refers to lactose), a polycistronic structural gene is regulated by a common promoter and regulatory genes. Such arrangement is very common in bacteria and is referred to as operon.

The lac operon consists of one regulatory gene (the i gene – here the term i does not refer to inducer, rather it is derived from the word inhibitor) and three structural genes (z, y, and a).