Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


Match the following correctly:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Ghatotkacha

(I) Incarnations of Indra

(B) Itihasa

(II) Means thus it was

(C) Sutas

(III) Charioteer-bards who accompanied Kshatriya warriors to battlefields

(D) Pandavas

(IV) Hidimba and Bhima’s son


(A)- IV, (B)- III, (C)- II, (D)- I

(A)- I, (B)- II, (C)- III, (D)- IV

(A)- IV, (B)- II, (C)- III, (D)- I

(A)- III, (B)- II, (C)- IV, (D)- I

Correct Answer:

(A)- IV, (B)- II, (C)- III, (D)- I


Ghatotkacha was the son of Hidimba and Bhima.

The term "itihasa" translates to "thus it was," and it is commonly rendered as "history."

The authorship of the text (Mahabharata) raises an intriguing question with multiple answers. The original story is believed to have been composed by charioteer-bards known as sutas, who accompanied Kshatriya warriors to battlefields and orally recited poems celebrating their victories and achievements.

Initially, Drupada, father of Draupadi, protested when he heard that Draupadi will be the common wife of Pandavas. However, the seer Vyasa arrived and told him that the Pandavas were in reality incarnations of Indra, whose wife had been reborn as Draupadi, and they were thus destined for each other.