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General Knowledge


Ancient History


As per the opinion of most scholars, Kalidasa lived during the reign of which of the following King?


Samudra Gupta

Chandragupta I

Chandragupta II


Correct Answer:

Chandragupta II


The correct answer is Option 3- Chandragupta II

According to the opinion of most scholars, Kalidasa lived during the reign of Chandragupta II.

Chandragupta II, also known by his title Vikramaditya, was the fourth emperor of the Gupta Empire in ancient India. He reigned from c. 380 to c. 415 CE. The Gupta period is considered to be a golden age of Indian culture, and Kalidasa was one of the most famous writers of this time.

There is no direct evidence to prove that Kalidasa lived at the court of Chandragupta II. However, there are a number of indirect pieces of evidence that support this theory. For example, Kalidasa's works mention several places that were part of the Gupta Empire during Chandragupta II's reign. Additionally, Kalidasa's works praise a king named Vikramaditya, who is generally believed to be Chandragupta II.

The theory that Kalidasa lived during the reign of Chandragupta II is also supported by the fact that the Gupta period was a time of great cultural and artistic flourishing. Chandragupta II was a great patron of the arts, and he encouraged the development of literature, music, and sculpture during his reign. It is therefore likely that Kalidasa would have been drawn to the Gupta court, where he could have found the support and patronage he needed to produce his great works.