Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


To whom can the Judge of the Supreme Court address his/her resignation letter?


The Prime Minister of India

The President of India

The Chief Justice of India

The Law Minister of India

Correct Answer:

The President of India


The correct answer is Option 2 - The President of India

A Judge of the Supreme Court can address their resignation letter to the President of India.

The important articles associated with the President of India in the Indian Constitution are:

Chapter I : The Executive

Article 52: The President of India
Article 53: Executive Power of the Union
Article 54: Election of President
Article 55: Manner of Election of President
Article 56: Term of office of President
Article 57: Eligibility for re-election
Article 58: Qualifications for Election as President
Article 59: Conditions of President’s office
Article 60: Oath or affirmation by the President
Article 61: Procedure for Impeachment of the President
Article 62: Time of holding election to fill a vacancy in the office of President and the term of office or person elected to fill a casual vacancy