Practicing Success

Target Exam







Succession occurring after flood is:


Hydrarch succession

Primary succession

Secondary succession

Mesarch succession

Correct Answer:

Secondary succession


The correct answer is Option (3)- Secondary succession

Ecological succession refers to the gradual and predictable change in the species composition of an area in response to changing environmental conditions. This process occurs in two main types:

  1. Primary succession: This type of succession happens when living organisms colonize a newly formed area for the first time. These areas are typically barren and lack fertile soil. Examples include freshly cooled lava fields, bare rocks, newly created ponds, or reservoirs.
  2. Secondary succession: In this case, natural communities develop in areas that were previously occupied by living organisms but were somehow disrupted or lost. It begins in places where natural biotic communities have been disturbed or damaged, such as abandoned farmlands, deforested areas, flood-damaged lands, or forests that have experienced fires.

Secondary succession tends to be a faster process compared to primary succession because some soil is already present in this ecosystem, providing a foundation for plant and organism growth.