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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Environment and Sustainable Development


Match the following:

1. Chipko movement A. Stress on the environment
2. Solar power B. Photovoltaic cells
3. Mini-hydel plants C. Preventing trees from getting cut
4. Increased population level D. Energy from streams

1- B, 2- C, 3- A, 4- D

1- A, 2- B, 3- C, 4- D

1- C, 2- A, 3- D, 4- B

1- C, 2- B, 3- D, 4- A

Correct Answer:

1- C, 2- B, 3- D, 4- A


Chipko movement was a forest conservation movement in India. The movement originated in 1973 at the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand.

With the help of "Photovoltaic cells", the solar energy was converted into electricity.

Mini-hydel plants used the energy of streams to move small turbines, which helped in the generation of electricity.

Rise in the population level resulted in increased environmental stress.