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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


What is the structure of the Indian judiciary?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 1 - Four-tier

The structure of the Indian judiciary is hierarchical and consists of 4 levels mainly:

Supreme Court of India: At the top of the hierarchy is the Supreme Court of India, which is the highest judicial body in the country. It is located in New Delhi and has original, appellate, and advisory jurisdiction. The decisions of the Supreme Court are binding on all other courts in India.

High Courts: Each state in India has its own High Court, which is the highest court at the state level. High Courts have original and appellate jurisdiction over cases within their respective states. Some union territories also have High Courts.

District Courts: Below the High Courts are the District Courts. Each district in India has its own District Court, presided over by a District Judge. District Courts have jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases within their respective districts.

Subordinate Courts: Below the District Courts are various subordinate courts, such as Civil Courts, Sessions Courts, Magistrate Courts, and Specialized Courts. These courts handle specific types of cases and operate within the jurisdiction of the District Courts.

Additionally, there are specialized tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies in India that handle specific types of disputes, such as the National Green Tribunal, Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, and the Competition Commission of India. These bodies operate alongside the regular court system but have specialized jurisdiction in their respective areas.