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Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Rearrange the following jumbled sentences to make a meaningful paragraph :-

(A) it also limits the ability of the state to take away an/the individual's rights.
(B) this freedom extends to all irrespective of class, caste, religion etc.
(C) freedom of speech is necessary because it promotes a free-flow of ideas
(D) and a free flow of ideas is essential for democracy
(E) however, free speech is restricted in several cases

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (E), (D), (C), (B)

(C), (D), (B), (A), (E)

(C), (B), (D), (E), (A)

(B), (E), (A), (C), (D)

Correct Answer:

(C), (D), (B), (A), (E)


The correct order for a meaningful paragraph is:

  1. (C) Freedom of speech is necessary because it promotes a free-flow of ideas. This sets the main topic and reason for free speech.
  2. (D) And a free flow of ideas is essential for democracy. This explains the importance of free speech in a democratic society.
  3. (B) This freedom extends to all irrespective of class, caste, religion etc. This clarifies the universality of the right to free speech.
  4. (A) It also limits the ability of the state to take away an/the individual's rights. This highlights another benefit of free speech: protecting individual rights.
  5. (E) However, free speech is restricted in several cases. This acknowledges the limitations on free speech, adding balance to the discussion.

So, the rearranged paragraph would read:

Freedom of speech is necessary because it promotes a free-flow of ideas, and a free flow of ideas is essential for democracy. This freedom extends to all irrespective of class, caste, religion etc. It also limits the ability of the state to take away an individual's rights. However, free speech is restricted in several cases.

This order ensures a logical flow of ideas, starting with the importance of free speech, explaining its benefits, and then acknowledging its limitations.