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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question.

The red weaver ant's bite is unforgettable. So is its taste - ask the tribes of Similipal biosphere reserve spread across Odisha's Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Sundargarh districts. The ants - known as 'kai' locally - have been part of their cuisine for hundreds of years. The most famous thing they are made into is the eye-wateringly hot kai chutney that celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay describes as 'bloody delicious'. With the chutney's fame growing, Odisha has sought a geographical indication (GI) tag for its 'Mayurbhanj kai Chutney'. Once granted, the tag will signify that kai chutney from Mayurbhanj has special qualities not found in other ant chutneys.

The red weaver ant is commonly found in the trees of Similipal bio reserve, especially fruit- bearing trees like mango, jackfruit and papaya. It's called 'weaver' because ant colonies build nests that can range from a single leaf folded and bound onto itself to leaf homes over half a metre in length.

To make kai chutney, forest dwellers collect ants and their eggs early in the morning when the ants are sluggish. "It is difficult to collect red ants and their eggs from the nests on trees. If you stir a nest or try to break it, the males attack in groups," says 53-year old Gobinda Naik, a native of Mayurbhanj, adding they have mastered ant gathering over generations.

Early in the morning, the gatherers detach ant nests from trees and drop them in sacks or buckets filled with water. The ants rush out of the nests and die in a few hours. After washing and drying they are ready for the kitchen, says Nayadhar Padhial, a member of Mayurbhanj Kai Society that's involved in promoting kai chutney outside the Similipal region. He's from the Bathudi tribe, believed to be the first to have eaten kai ants.

According to the passage, choose the option that has the name of the person who is believed to be the first to have eaten kai ants : -



Gobinda Naik

Nayadhar Padhial

Gordon Ramsay

Correct Answer:

Nayadhar Padhial


The passage states that the Bathudi tribe is believed to be the first to have eaten kai ants. Therefore, the person from the Bathudi tribe who would be credited with this is: Nayadhar Padhial

The passage specifically mentions that Nayadhar Padhial belongs to the Bathudi tribe and implies their tribe's historical connection to consuming kai ants. While the other options have roles in the passage, they are not related to the specific information about the Bathudi tribe's history with kai ants.