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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.

My cousin’s office is at a stone’s throw from my house.


Near the forest

In a dangerous situation

A short distance

A long route

Correct Answer:

A short distance


The most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence is a short distance.

The idiom "stone's throw" is used to describe a very short distance. It is thought to have originated from the idea that a stone could be thrown a short distance.

In the given sentence, the speaker is saying that their cousin's office is very close to their house. They could easily throw a stone from their house to their cousin's office.

The other options are not accurate descriptions of the meaning of the idiom.

  • Near the forest: This idiom is more accurately described as "in the vicinity of a forest."
  • In a dangerous situation: This idiom is not related to the idiom "stone's throw."
  • A long route: This idiom is more accurately described as "a long way."