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Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

  1. Scientists think that life began on earth about twenty million centuries ago.
  2. But, later the animals started losing their habitat due to human encroachment.
  3. The plants and animals are the products of an endless process of evolution.
  4. All the animals are the products of their environment and have their own homes.





Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - ACDB

The correct order for the jumbled sentences about the origin of life and habitat loss is: ACDB

Here's why:

A. Scientists think that life began on earth about twenty million centuries ago. - This sentence introduces the main topic - the origin of life on Earth.

C. The plants and animals are the products of an endless process of evolution. - This sentence elaborates on the origin of species - the process of evolution that led to the diversity of life on Earth. It connects to the previous sentence by explaining how life on Earth diversified after its initial emergence.

D. All the animals are the products of their environment and have their own homes. - This sentence highlights the relationship between animals and their habitat - animals depend on specific environments for their survival. It connects to the previous sentence by focusing on animals as one outcome of evolution and their need for a suitable environment.

B. But, later the animals started losing their habitat due to human encroachment. - This sentence introduces a threat to the animal world - habitat loss caused by human actions. It connects to all the previous sentences by presenting a danger to the animal species that evolved and depend on specific environments.