The correct answer is option 2- Importance of leadership.
The importance of leadership can be discussed from the following benefits to the organisation: (i) Leadership influences the behaviour of people and makes them to positively contribute their energies for the benefit of the organisation. Good leaders always produce goods results through their followers. (ii) A leader maintains personal relations and helps followers in fulfilling their needs. He provides needed confidence, support and encouragement and thereby creates congenial work environment. (iii) Leader plays a key role in introducing required changes in the organisation. He persuades, clarifies and inspires people to accept changes whole-heartedly. Thus, he overcomes the problem of resistance to change and introduces it with minimum discontentment. (iv) A leader handles conflicts effectively and does not allow adverse effects resulting from the conflicts. A good leader always allows his followers to ventilate their feelings and disagreement but persuades them by giving suitable clarifications. (v) Leader provides training to their subordinates. A good leader always builds up his successor and helps in smooth succession process. |