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Target Exam





Macro Economics: National Income Accounting


Which of the following is taken into account in depreciation ?


Unexpected destruction of capital good

Wear and tear of capital good

Disuse of capital

Damage of capital good due to natural calamities

Correct Answer:

Wear and tear of capital good


The correct answer is option (2) : Wear and tear of capital good

Depreciation accounts for the wear and tear of capital goods over time. It represents the decrease in the value of capital assets due to their use in the production process or obsolescence. This wear and tear are typically caused by factors such as usage, age, and normal deterioration, rather than unexpected destruction, disuse, or damage due to natural calamities.

The other options are not typically considered in the context of depreciation:

(1) Unexpected destruction of capital goods: This may result in a sudden write- off of the asset, but it is not part of the regular depreciation calculation.

(3) Disuse of capital goods: Disuse might lead to obsolescence, but it is not directly related to the wear and tear that depreciation accounts for.

(4) Damage of capital goods due to natural calamities: While damage due to natural calamities can lead to a reduction in the value of the asset, it is usually addressed separately from the standard depreciation calculation.

Therefore, option (2) is the correct choice as it is directly related to the wear and tear aspect considered in the concept of depreciation.