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Target Exam





Financial Statements of a Company


Which of the following plays an important role in the preparation of financial statements of a company?


Personal Judgements

Assumption of Money Measurement

Both options 1 and 2

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Both options 1 and 2


Postulates: Financial statements are prepared on certain basic assumptions (pre-requisites) known as postulates such as going concern postulate, money measurement postulate, realisation postulate, etc. Going concern postulate assumes that the enterprise is treated as a going concern and exists for a longer period of time. So the assets are shown on historical cost basis. Money measurement postulate assumes that the value of money will remain the same in different periods.
Personal Judgements: Under more than one circumstance, facts and figures presented through financial statements are based on personal opinion, estimates and judgements. The depreciation is provided taking into consideration the useful economic life of fixed assets. Provisions for doubtful debts are made on estimates and personal judgements. In valuing inventory, cost or market value, whichever is less is being followed. While deciding either cost of inventory or market value of inventory, many personal judgements are to be made based on certain considerations. Personal opinion, judgements and estimates are made while preparing the financial statements to avoid any possibility of over statement of assets and liabilities, income and expenditure, keeping in mind the convention of conservatism.