Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




From the following, identify a combination of incentives which mainly focus on satisfaction of psychological, social and emotional needs.

(A) Organisational climate

(B) Production linked wage incentive

(C) Job security

(D) Stock option

(E) Job Enrichment

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(B), (C) and (D) Only

(A), (C) and (E) Only

(C), (D) and (E) Only

(B), (D) and (E) Only

Correct Answer:

(A), (C) and (E) Only


The correct answer is option (2) : (A), (C) and (E) Only

Non-Financial Incentives

Apart from the monetary and future security needs, an individual also has psychological, social and emotional needs. Satisfying these needs also plays an important role in their motivation. Non-financial incentives focus mainly on the fulfillment of these needs and thus cannot be measured in terms of money.,

However, there are chances that a particular non-financial incentive may also involve the financial incentive as well. For example, when a person is promoted his psychological needs are fulfilled as he gets more authority, his status increases but at the same time, he has benefitted monetarily also as he gets a rise in salary. The most common non-financial incentives are:

(a) Status

With reference to an organization, status refers to the position in the hierarchy of the organizational chart. The level of authority, responsibility, recognition, salary, perks, etc. determine the status of an employee in the organization.

A person at the top level management has more authority, responsibility, recognition and salary and vice-versa. Status satisfies the self-esteem and psychological needs of an individual and in turn, motivates him to work hard.

(b) Organizational Climate

Organizational climate refers to the environmental characteristics of an organization that are perceived by its employees about the organization and have a major influence on their behavior. Each organization has a different organizational climate that distinguishes it from other organizations.

Some of the factors that influence the organizational climate of an enterprise are organizational structure, individual responsibility, rewards, risk and risk-taking, warmth and support and tolerance and conflict. When the organizational climate is positive employees tend to be more motivated,

(c) Career Advancement Opportunity

It is very important for an organization to have an appropriate skill development program and a sound promotion policy for its employees which works as a booster for them to perform well and get promoted.

Every employee desires growth in an organization and when he gets promotion as an appreciation of his work he is motivated to work better.

(d) Job Enrichment

It refers to the designing of jobs in such a way that it involves a higher level of knowledge and skill, a variety of work content, more autonomy and responsibility of employees, meaningful work experience and more opportunities of growth. When the job is interesting, it itself serves as a source of motivation.

(e) Job Security

Job security provide future stability and a sense of security among the employees. The employees are not worried about the future and thus work with more enthusiasm. Owing to the unemployment problem in our country, job security works as a great incentive for the employees. However, there is also a negative aspect to this incentive that employees tend to take their job for granted and not work efficiently.

(f) Employee Recognition Programmes

Recognition means acknowledgment and appreciation of work done by employees. Recognition in the organization boosts their self-esteem and they feel motivated. For example, declaring the best performer of the week or month, displaying their names on the notice board and giving them rewards, fall under the Employee recognition program.

(g) Employee Participation

Involving the employees in decision making regarding the issues related to them such as canteen committees, work committees, etc. also helps in motivating them and inducing a sense of belongingness in them.

(h) Employee Empowerment

Giving more autonomy and powers to subordinates also make them feel that they are important to the organization and in turn they serve the organization better.