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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


The remarkable success of the Congress party can be traced back to its deep roots in the legacy of the freedom struggle. Being viewed as the rightful heir of the national movement, the Congress party attracted leaders who had actively participated in the battle, many of whom contested elections as Congress candidates. With its well-established organization, the Congress party had already initiated its campaign while other parties were still strategizing. In fact, several parties were formed either around Independence or after that, giving the Congress party a significant advantage as it was the first to embark on political endeavours.

The best word to describe the nature of Congress during the freedom struggle and after the independence would be which of the following?




All exclusive

All of the above.

Correct Answer:



The success of the Congress party can be traced back to its association with the freedom struggle and its status as the inheritor of the national movement.
Many leaders who played key roles in the independence movement ran as Congress candidates in elections.
The Congress party was already well-organized, allowing it to start its campaign early while other parties were still formulating strategies.
In fact, several parties were formed only around or after independence, giving Congress a "first off the blocks" advantage.
By the time of independence, the Congress party had a widespread presence across the country and a well-established organizational network.
Importantly, as the Congress party was rooted in the national movement, it had an all-inclusive nature.
All these factors contributed to the Congress party's dominance in India.