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Grammar: Adjective


Pick out the Adjective Clause in the given sentence:

"The umbrella which has a broken handle is mine".


has a broken handle is

which has a broken handle is

which has a broken handle

has a broken handle

Correct Answer:

which has a broken handle


The correct answer is Option (3) → which has a broken handle

The Adjective Clause in the sentence "The umbrella which has a broken handle is mine" is: which has a broken handle

Here's why:

  • An adjective clause modifies a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about it. In this sentence, "which has a broken handle" describes the specific umbrella that belongs to the speaker.
  • The other options are not adjective clauses:
    • "has a broken handle is" is just a verb phrase and doesn't modify any noun or pronoun.
    • "which has a broken handle" lacks the subject "is" and is therefore incomplete.
    • "has a broken handle" only modifies the implied noun "umbrella" but is not a complete clause.

Therefore, "which has a broken handle" satisfies the definition and function of an adjective clause within the sentence.