Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organic: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes


C-Cl bond in chlorobenzene in comparison to C-Cl bond in methyl chloride is:


Longer and weaker.

Shorter and weaker.

Shorter and strong.

Longer and strong.

Correct Answer:

Shorter and strong.


The correct answer is option 3. Shorter and strong.

The \(C-Cl\) bond in chlorobenzene is shorter and stronger compared to the \(C-Cl\) bond in methyl chloride.

Chlorobenzene: The chlorine atom in chlorobenzene is attached to a benzene ring, which has a delocalized electron cloud due to resonance. This means the electrons are spread out across the ring, and some negative charge can be donated towards the chlorine atom. This partial double bond character between the carbon and chlorine strengthens the bond and shortens its length.

Methyl chloride: The chlorine atom in methyl chloride is attached to a methyl group \((CH_3)\) which doesn't have a delocalized electron cloud. The \(C-Cl\) bond is a simple covalent bond and is weaker and longer compared to the \(C-Cl\) bond in chlorobenzene.

In conclusion, the delocalized electron cloud in chlorobenzene strengthens and shortens the \(C-Cl\) bond compared to the simpler \(C-Cl\) bond in methyl chloride.