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Target Exam



Business Studies




Organizational barriers to communication do not include :


Rules and regulations


Organizational Policy

Lack of attention

Correct Answer:

Lack of attention


The correct answer is option (4) : Lack of attention

Organizational barriers to communication do not include:

• Lack of attention

Rules and regulations, status, and organizational policy are typical organizational barriers to effective communication as they can hinder the flow of information and create obstacles in the communication process. "Lack of attention" is more related to an individual's attentiveness or focus and is not a typical organizational barrier.

Organizational barriers: when communication passes through various levels certain factors like organizational structure, authority relationships, rules and regulations may act as barriers to effective communication. Includes

1. Status: A person in a high position also may not allow his subordinates to express their feelings freely

2. Hurdle in organization structure: In a large organization due to a large number of managerial levels, communication gets de-layed and unclear.

3. Absence of Organizational facilities: Facilities like frequent meetings, suggestion boxes, poor telephone and internet
facilities, the social and cultural gatherings may discourage the free flow of communication

4. Rules and regulations: Rigid rules and procedures may result in delays. Example:- Written application for minor things

5. Policy of Organizational: Highly centralized organization does not support a free flow of communication. People may not be encouraged to have free communication.