Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


A sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested below, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice. 


This dress cannot be worn by me any longer.



I cannot wear this dress any longer.

Wearing of this dress any longer is not possible.

This dress is too worn out to be worn any longer.

This worn out dress cannot be worn any longer.

Correct Answer:

I cannot wear this dress any longer.


I cannot wear this dress any longer.


    • I cannot wear this dress any longer.: This active construction correctly reverses the subject and object, forming the passive voice while maintaining the original meaning.
    • Wearing of this dress any longer is not possible.: This construction changes the sentence structure and doesn't maintain the same wording and tone as the original sentence.
    • This dress is too worn out to be worn any longer.: This construction changes the sentence structure and introduces a different reason for not wearing the dress, which is not present in the original sentence.
    • This worn out dress cannot be worn any longer.: This passive construction correctly maintains the original wording and tone while forming the passive voice.