Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Progress in life depends a good deal on crossing one threshold after another. A little boy tries to write his name, it is a hard work, very hard work. Then he arrives at a threshold and writes his name with comparative ease. Now a new threshold confronts him. This is the way with all of us. As soon as we cross one threshold by achieving a certain goal, a new goal appears, or should appear. Some people make the mistake of steering clear of threshold. Anything that requires genuine thinking and use of energy, they avoid. They prefer to stay in a rut where thresholds are not met. Probably, they have been at their job a number of years. Things are easy for them. They make no efforts to seek out new obstacles to overcome. Real progress stops under such circumstances. Some middle-aged and elderly people greatly enrich their thresholds. One went into an entirely new business when he was past middle life and made a success of it. De morgan didn’t start to write novels until he was sixty. Psychologists have discovered that a man can continue to learn throughout his life. It is undoubtedly better to try, and fail than not to try at all. Then one can be placed in the category of the Swiss mountaineer of whom it was said, “He died climbing.” When a new difficulty rises to obstruct your path, do not complain. Accept the challenge. Determine to cross this threshold as you have crossed numerous other thresholds in your past life. In the words of the poet, “Do no rest, but strive to pass from dream to dream.”


The Swiss mountaineer of whom it was said, “He died climbing,” What does it mean to you in context of the passage?


He died because he was not capable enough to climb.

He died because he was not ready to face the obstacles ahead of him.

He preferred to try even at the cost of failing to death.

He should have prepared himself more for the challenges he was going to face.


Correct Answer:

He preferred to try even at the cost of failing to death.


The correct answer is: OPTION 3 - He preferred to try even at the cost of failing to death.

The phrase "He died climbing" in the context of the passage suggests: He preferred to try even at the cost of failing to death.

This interpretation aligns with the theme of the passage, which emphasizes the importance of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles in life. Just like the Swiss mountaineer who continued climbing despite the risks involved, the passage encourages readers to accept challenges and strive for progress, even if it means encountering difficulties along the way. Therefore, Option 3 is the most fitting interpretation.