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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary South Asia


Choose correct statements on India's relations with Bangladesh.
1) Bangladesh export natural gas to India.
2) Issue over Ganga and Brahmaputra river water sharing.
3) India was a major factor in Bangladesh's war for independence.
4) Illegal immigration happens from Bangladesh to India and vice versa.


1,4 and 3 only

2 and 3 only

Only 1,4 and 2

2,3 and 4 only

Correct Answer:

2 and 3 only


The correct answer is Option 2 - 2 and 3 only

The following statements are correct:

2) Issue over Ganga and Brahmaputra river water sharing.
3) India was a major factor in Bangladesh's war for independence.

Relations between India and Bangladesh:

The governments of India and Bangladesh have had differences over several issues including the sharing of the Ganga and Brahmaputra river waters (Statement 2).

The Indian government has been unhappy with Bangladesh’s denial of illegal immigration to India (Correct version of statement 4), its support for anti-Indian Islamic fundamentalist groups, Bangladesh’s refusal to allow Indian troops to move through its territory to northeastern India, and its decision not to export natural gas to India or allow Myanmar to do so through Bangladeshi territory (Correct Version of Statement 1).

Bangladeshi governments have felt that the Indian government behaves like a regional bully over the sharing of river waters, encouraging rebellion in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, trying to extract its natural gas and being unfair in trade. The two countries could not resolve their boundary dispute for a long while.

Despite their differences, India and Bangladesh do cooperate on many issues. Economic relations have improved considerably in the last 20 years. Bangladesh is a part of India’s Look East (Act East since 2014) policy that wants to link up with Southeast Asia via Myanmar. On disaster management and environmental issues, the two states have cooperated regularly. In 2015, they exchanged certain enclaves. Efforts are on to broaden the areas of cooperation further by identifying common threats and being more sensitive to each other’s needs.

The government of India supported the demand of the people of East Pakistan for their independence and helped them financially and militarily. This resulted in a war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 that ended in the surrender of the Pakistani forces in East Pakistan and the formation of Bangladesh as an independent country.  (In reference to Statement 3- India was a major factor in Bangladesh's war for independence. )


The Indian government has been unhappy with Bangladesh’s denial of illegal immigration to India (per NCERT, it is not mentioned the Bangladeshi government claims that illegal immigration happens from India to Bangladesh, so statement 4- Illegal immigration happens from Bangladesh to India and vice versa is wrong) . However, it mentions certain other issues felt by the Bangladeshi government. Bangladeshi governments have felt that the Indian government behaves like a regional bully over the sharing of river waters, encouraging rebellion in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, trying to extract its natural gas and being unfair in trade).