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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Rowlatt Act introduced by Britishers in 1919 was related to which of the following:


Reservation of seats for Dalits

Give more Power to Indians in the Legislatures

Censorship of Press

Introducing death sentence for criticising British Queen

Correct Answer:

Censorship of Press


The correct answer is Option 3 - Censorship of Press

Rowlatt Act introduced by Britishers in 1919 was related to Censorship of Press.

In 1919, the colonial rulers delivered into Gandhiji’s lap an issue from which he could construct a much wider movement. During the Great War of 1914-18, the British had instituted censorship of the press and permitted detention without trial. Now, on the recommendation of a committee chaired by Sir Sidney Rowlatt, these tough measures were continued. In response, Gandhiji called for a countrywide campaign against the “Rowlatt Act”. In towns across North and West India, life came to a standstill, as shops shut down and schools closed in response to the bandh call. The protests were particularly intense in the Punjab, where many men had served on the British side in the War – expecting to be rewarded for their service. Instead they were given the Rowlatt Act. Gandhiji was detained while proceeding to the Punjab, even as prominent local Congressmen were arrested. The situation in the province grew progressively more tense, reaching a bloody climax in Amritsar in April 1919, when a British Brigadier ordered his troops to open fire on a nationalist meeting.