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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in industrial Society


Read the passage and answers questions that follow:

Many of the great works of sociology were written at time when industrialisation was new and machinery was assuming great importance. Thinkers like Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim associated a number of social features with industry, such as urbanisation, the loss of face-to-face relationships that were found in rural areas where people worked on their own farms or for a landlord they knew and their substitution by anonymous professional relationships in modern factories and workplaces. Industrialisation involves a detailed division of labour. People often do not see the end result of their work because they are producing only one small part of a product. The work is often repetitive and exhausting. Yet, even this is better than having no work at, ie: being unemployed. Marx called this situation alienation, when people do not enjoy work, and see it as something they have to do only in order to survive, and even that survival depends on whether the technology has room for any human labour.

The fish processing plants along the coastline employ mostly single young workers from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala

Choose the reason that justifies this statement.


Young women are seen as submissive workers

Young women socialise more than men

Young women are lonely and vulnerable

Young women do not not spend money blindly

Correct Answer:

Young women are seen as submissive workers