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General Knowledge




Honey flows slower than that of water due to its higher _____.




Moment of Inertia

Thermal conductivity

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 2. Viscosity.

Viscosity refers to a fluid's resistance to flow. It's a measure of how easily a fluid can deform or move when subjected to an applied force. Substances with high viscosity have a thicker, more resistant consistency, while those with low viscosity flow more easily.

Honey has a higher viscosity compared to water. This means that honey is more resistant to flowing and has a thicker consistency. The higher viscosity of honey is primarily due to its composition. Honey is composed mainly of sugars, including glucose and fructose, as well as other components like water and proteins. These sugars and other molecules create a tangled and sticky molecular structure, which makes honey more viscous compared to water.

When it comes to flow behavior, substances with higher viscosity flow more slowly than those with lower viscosity. This means that honey flows more slowly than water under the same conditions. When poured, honey tends to flow in a thick, slow-moving stream, whereas water flows more freely and quickly.

Therefore, the higher viscosity of honey is the reason why it flows slower than water. This property of honey is also what gives it its characteristic thick texture and stickiness.