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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Politics of Planned Development


What is the belief of the 'Rightists' regarding the role of the government in the economy?


Government intervention is necessary for economic progress

The government should not intervene in the economy unnecessarily

The government should control all aspects of the economy

The government should focus on social welfare only

Correct Answer:

The government should not intervene in the economy unnecessarily


In politics across most countries, you will frequently encounter mentions of parties and groups aligned with either Left or Right ideologies. These terms describe the stance of these groups or parties concerning social change and the role of the state in achieving economic redistribution. The Left typically represents those who advocate for the welfare of the underprivileged and endorse government policies aimed at benefiting these sections. On the other hand, the Right comprises individuals who hold the belief that progress is primarily driven by free competition and a market economy, emphasizing limited government intervention in the economy unless necessary.