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Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches

What are the two major components of a therapeutic alliance from the following?
a) The therapeutic alliance also requires that the therapist must keep strict confidentiality of the experiences, events, feelings or thoughts disclosed by the client.
b) The contractual nature of the relationship in which two willing individuals, the client and the therapist, enter into a partnership which aims at helping the client overcome her/his problems.
c) The therapist must not exploit the trust and the confidence of the client in anyway.
d) The therapeutic alliance is the limited duration of the therapy. This alliance lasts until the client becomes able to deal with her/his problems and take control of her/ his life. This relationship has several unique properties. It is a trusting and confiding relationship.
a and c
b and d
a and b
c and d
Correct Answer:
b and d
There are two major components of a therapeutic alliance: a) The first component is the contractual nature of the relationship in which two willing individuals, the client and the therapist, enter into a partnership which aims at helping the client overcome her/his problems. b) The second component of therapeutic alliance is the limited duration of the therapy. This alliance lasts until the client becomes able to deal with her/his problems and take control of her/ his life. This relationship has several unique properties. It is a trusting and confiding relationship.