Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


What is the rate at which a wave moves through water, and is measured in knots?


Wave height

Wave crest and trough

Wave frequency

Wave speed

Correct Answer:

Wave speed


The correct answer is option 4. Wave speed.

The speed at which waves move through water, commonly referred to as wave speed, is a fundamental property of wave motion.

Wave speed refers to the rate at which a wave travels through a medium, such as water. It represents how quickly the disturbance or energy associated with the wave propagates from one point to another.

Wave speed is typically measured in units such as meters per second \((ms^{-1})\) or knots (nautical miles per hour). Knots are a unit of speed commonly used in maritime and navigation contexts, where one knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour.

Medium: The properties of the medium through which the wave travels, such as its density and elasticity, influence the wave speed. In the case of water waves, factors such as temperature, salinity, and depth can affect wave speed.

Wave Characteristics: Wave speed can also be influenced by characteristics of the wave itself, such as its frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. In general, longer wavelengths tend to result in faster wave speeds.

Wave speed is particularly relevant in maritime and navigation contexts, where it affects the movement of ships and boats through water. Understanding wave speed helps sailors and navigators anticipate wave behavior, plan routes, and estimate travel times.

Wave speed can be calculated using the formula:

\[v = \frac{λ}{T}\]


\(v\) is the wave speed,

\(λ\) (lambda) is the wavelength of the wave, and

\(T\) is the period of the wave (the time taken for one complete wave cycle).

Wave speed is inversely proportional to wave frequency. This means that waves with higher frequencies (shorter periods) tend to have higher speeds, while waves with lower frequencies (longer periods) have lower speeds.

In summary, wave speed is the rate at which a wave propagates through a medium such as water, measured in units such as meters per second or knots. It is influenced by properties of the medium and characteristics of the wave itself and is important for navigation and maritime activities.