Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




"It is said that the right person is scarce and there is need to market the job and the organisation to the people. "Identify the sequence of steps of staffing to be undertaken after the organisation understakes the step highlighted in the given statement.

A. Training and Development

B. Promotion and career planning

C. Performance Appraisal

D. Selection

E. Placement and orientation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


D, A, E, B, C

E, A, B, C, D

D, E, A, C, B

B, A, D, E, C

Correct Answer:

D, E, A, C, B


The correct answer is option (3) : D, E, A, C, B

The sequence of steps in staffing to be undertaken after the organization markets the job and the organization to people is as follows:

1. D. Selection (Selecting the suitable candidates)

2. E. Placement and orientation (Placing and orienting the selected candidates)

3. A. Training and Development (Providing necessary training and development)

4. C. Performance Appraisal (Evaluating performance)

5. B. Promotion and career planning (Considering promotions and career development)

So, the correct answer is:

3. D, E, A, C, B

The sequence of steps in staffing after the organization markets the job and the organization involves:

1. Selection (D): After attracting potential candidates, the organization needs to go through a selection process to choose the most
suitable individuals for the job.

2. Placement and orientation (E): Once the candidates are selected, they need to be placed in their roles within the organization and
provided with orientation to help them acclimate to the new environment.

3. Training and Development (A): After placement, it's essential to provide training and development to help employees gain the
necessary skills and knowledge for their roles.

4. Performance Appraisal (C): The organization should evaluate the performance of employees to ensure they are meeting the expected
standards and to identify areas for improvement.

5. Promotion and career planning (B): Based on performance appraisal, the organization can consider promotions and career development for employees who show potential and a commitment to the organization.

This sequence ensures that the organization attracts, selects, places, and develops the right people, and then evaluates their performance and considers career advancement as part of its staffing process.