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General Knowledge


Which institution launched a list of 50 iconic Indian heritage textiles?


Ministry of textile

NITI Aayog

Ministry of culture


Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) - UNESCO

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, launched a list of 50 iconic Indian heritage textiles as part of its efforts to recognize and preserve the intangible cultural heritage of India. This initiative aimed to celebrate the rich diversity and historical significance of traditional Indian textiles, which hold immense cultural, artistic, and economic value. The selection of these 50 iconic textiles was based on their historical significance, cultural importance, craftsmanship, and unique characteristics that reflect the cultural diversity of India. The list included a wide range of textiles representing various regions, communities, weaving techniques, and designs across the country.

By highlighting these iconic textiles, UNESCO aimed to raise awareness about the importance of preserving India's textile heritage and promoting sustainable practices in textile production and craftsmanship. These textiles not only represent the artistic excellence of Indian craftsmen and weavers but also embody centuries-old traditions, stories, and cultural identities. Furthermore, UNESCO's recognition of these textiles helps in safeguarding and promoting India's cultural heritage on the global stage, fostering greater appreciation and understanding of the country's rich textile traditions among people worldwide.

Overall, UNESCO's initiative to launch a list of 50 iconic Indian heritage textiles serves as a testament to the significance of India's textile heritage and underscores the importance of preserving and promoting traditional craftsmanship and cultural practices for future generations.