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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Services

The National Legal Services Authority (Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations were enacted by the Indian National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), in 2010. Legal practitioners with the necessary professional experience may submit applications, according to the legal services institution. The Executive Chairman of the legal service institution will prepare the panel of lawyers. The panel lawyer is not permitted to take any payment from anyone for whom legal services are provided. In circumstances of significant public importance and where the applicant faces grave threats to his or her life and freedom, senior advocates may be hired if the chairman of the legal services institution so determines.
According to the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) Regulations, 2010, the panel of lawyers has to be reconstituted in how many years?
Every two years
Every four years
Every five years
Every three years
Correct Answer:
Every three years
The Panel has to be reconstituted every three years without disturbing the work of panel lawyers already representing on-going cases.